new website for APL and PKMP


 PKMP Release Notes

Modules Impacted

  1.  CA-PK
  2.  PD

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  A new feature Model is added to display formula and its description in CA-PK and PD modules.
  2.  A new feature simultaneous IV Bolus and Infusion is added to the PK Simulation module.

Modules Impacted

  1.  CA-PK
  2.  CDISC (SEND)

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  In CA-PK module the statistical parameters are calculated and displayed correctly.
  2.  New feature CDISC SEND (PC & PP) module is added.

Modules Impacted

  1.  Graphics
  2.  Reports

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  A new feature Regression plot is added in the Graphic module.
  2.  The issue of automatically moving to the next sheet when a slash is present in the data has been fixed.
  3.  Added Standard error bar feature for Bar Graphs.

Modules Impacted

  1.  CA-PK
  2.  Graphics

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  Concentration unit changed to dynamic in CA-PK module so that users can select unit based on their requirement.
  2.  A new feature Forest plot is added in the Graphic module.

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK
  2.  Graphics

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  AUC calculations zero data of concentration should not be removed.
  2.  AUC computation can be performed with the removed data point as well as inclusion of the removed point based on option selected by the user.
  3.  A new feature sub plots is added in Graphic module.

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK
  2.  Graphics

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  Upload file size is increased.
  2.  Added descriptive Y1 for the Graphics module.
  3.  Added Matrix plot in the Graphics module.

Modules Impacted

  1.  Graphics

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  UI changes have been made in graphic module.

Modules Impacted

  1.  Reports
  2.  Graphics

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  Downloading of plots in Reporting has been fixed.
  2.  Logarithmic plots are added in the Graphic module.

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK
  2.  CA-PK
  3.  Graphics

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  XLS and CSV file upload issue is fixed and time taken to upload CSV file has been reduced.
  2.  Parameter vs Subject graph in All Subject data in NCA module is fixed for the appropriate selection of group in title.
  3.  Enhancement has been made to edit functionalities in Graphic Module.

Modules Impacted

  1.  IVIVC
  2.  Graphics

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  IVIVC: Observed concentration values in internal prediction and external prediction for the same data set were not matching due to zero values were not consistently handled.
  2.  Graphics: A new feature for observed and predicted data graphs is added in the module.

Modules Impacted

  1.  IVIVC
  2.  Graphics
  3.  NCA-PK

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  1. IVIVC : Analysis was not occurring due to a slash ( / ) in batch name in the IVIVC module. This issue has been fixed.
  2.  2. Graphics : A new Module is added where the user can produce the following plots:
  3.  a) Scatter X,Y Plots
  4.  b) X,Y,Y1 (X,Y and Y1 is secondary axis) Line and Standard Error plots.
  5.  3. For Descriptive Analysis Graph – bold and italics buttons in edit functionality are activated.

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK
  2.  IVIVC

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  Interspecies Scaling - Wajima Method reporting feature is added.
  2.  Wajima Method KEL point selection is added.
  3.  Interspecies Method 1 KEL Point selection is added.
  4.  Wajima Method Css unit selection and global setting of decimal numbers are fixed.
  5.  IVIVC In-vitro slope and intercept calculations are fixed for percent release calculations for T10, T20, etc.
  6.  IVIVC In-vivo PK Parameters and KEL calculation error is fixed.

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  Interspecies Scaling - Wajima Method new module is added.
  2.  Added the dose calculation in Interspecies Scaling method 1 NCA.

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK
  2.  CA-PK (In Mobile)
  3.  Simulation
  4.  dEq
  5.  Reports

Bug Fixes:

  1.  dEq Optimization addition of Residuals and Diagnostic analysis. - #205
  2.  dEq Optimization infusion input order modifications. - #206
  3.  PK-IV Bolus-3CBM simulation parameter (pi) and unit change. - #207
  4.  Point selection and point Removal issue in NCA when time data having more decimal places. - #204
  5.  NCA log-linear Kel graph Y-axis tick marks. - #208
  6.  NCA Kel graph download issue as per the view on the screen . – #211
  7.  CA PK extravascular dose unit for dynamic selection. - #212
  8.  CA-PK Mobile view UI changes. - #210

Modules Impacted

  1.  dEq
  2.  Reports

Bug Fixes:

  1.  NCA report issue is fixed.
  2.  dEq user defined conc data is added with the graphs.

Modules Impacted

  1.  IVIVC
  2.  Simulation

Bug Fixes:

  1.  IVIVC Level B and Level C graph changes. (#200)
  2.  Addition of download option and decimal and significant number buttons to the IVIVC Level B and Level C analyses. (#201)
  3.  BE simulation calculation. (#202)

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK
  2.  IVIVC
  3.  Differential Equation (dEq)
  4.  Reports

Bug Fixes:

  1.  In IVIVC Vitro analysis the graph title name is repeated. (#191)
  2.  In IVIVC "level C" graph ploting is incorrect. (#192)
  3.  In IVIVC "level B" analysis the data should be displayed. (#193)
  4.  In NCA-Extravaslular AUC Calculation and KEL Plot should be calculated with any type of dataset. (#194)
  5.  For IV Blous and Infusion need to implement the above code. (#195)
  6.  NCA(Extravascular,Bolus,Infusion) Reporting data should be displayed liked the analysis performed. (#196)
  7.  dEq-User Defined conc calculation is not performed for some analysis. (#197)
  8.  SD error bar graph issue is fixed. (#198)
  9.  Increased the logout time for a session. (#199)

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK
  2.  Differential Equation (dEq)
  3.  Upload Module
  4.  Reports

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  dEq module Back button implementation (#186).
  2.  dEq module, Concentration calculation should be based on volume (#187).
  3.  Dose Proportionality, back end code enhancement (#55).

Bug Fixes:

  1.  dEq infusion module, calculations were not coming properly (#185).
  2.  Dose Proportionality, history tab was not coming in downloaded files (#184).
  3.  SD & SE error bars were not coming for few Descriptive Statistical analysis (#84).
  4.  Reporting Module, auc(0-inf) value is not coming properly in reports for NCA Oral & Bolus module (#188).
  5.  Upload module, error was coming while clicking on upload button without selecting any file instead of message (#189).

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK
  2.  Differential Equation (dEq)

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  dEq Module: User Defined Equation (#44)

Bug Fixes:

  1.  Fixed the issue of HED animal to animal prediction (#178)
  2.  Fixed the issue of History tab in downloaded file of Dose Proportionality. (#184)

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK
  2.  CA-PK
  3.  PD
  4.  Dissolution
  5.  IVIVC Model
  6.  Simulation
  7.  Reports

Bug Fixes:

  1.  Descriptive graph log scale display. (#171)
  2.  Missing Y-axis graph labels throughout the application. (#164)
  3.  Changing subject-wise Cp vs time graph from linear to log linear and vice versa. (#170)
  4.  PD report module with group selection. (#108)
  5.  NCA module- Point Removal log-linear graph. (#182)

Modules Impacted

  1.  PD
  2.  Dissolution
  3.  IVIVC
  4.  Simulation

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  History tab is added in all the file downloads in PD, Dissolution, IVIVC and Simulation modules. (#127)
  2.  Enhancement to stop junk e-mails generated from Contact Us page on the website by the bots. (#168)

Bug Fixes:

  1.  Older version number was showing in history tab of PD module. (#172)
  2.  In Dissolution module, table was repeating while downloading in doc file. (#173)
  3.  In Dissolution module, header name was missing in downloaded tables for "profile comparison" & "MSD Determination”. (#174)
  4. IVIVC Module, table header was repeating in downloaded files. (#175)
  5. Dissolution Module, download button of doc and csv is not working in Weibull Analysis. (#176)

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK
  2.  CA-PK
  3.  IVIVC
  4.  Differential Equation (dEq)

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  History tab is added in all the file downloads in NCA, CA and dEq modules. (#127)

Bug Fixes:

  1.  Toxicokinetics without Dose analysis should provide the option to the users to enter Dose. (#139)
  2.  For IVIVC Numerics module IR-IV Cp data to be at equivalent dose level to the in-vivo Cp data requirement is added. (#72)

Modules Impacted

  1.  NCA-PK

Bug Fixes:

  1.  The graph in NCA-PK should plot greater than zero values and zero should not display on log scale. (#162)
  2.  Interspecies Scaling : Method 1 - Unit issues in Human Prediction. (#161)
  3.  Interspecies Scaling : Method 2 - calculation of Mean and SD when one or two species are selected. (#161)

Modules Impacted

  1.  Login module
  2.  NCA-PK
  3.  CA-PK
  4.  PD
  5.  Dissolution
  6.  IVIVC
  7.  Simulation
  8.  Differential Equation (dEq)
  9.  Repots

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  Interspecies clearance (Cl) and volume distribution (Vd) calculations (#153)
  2.  Addition of delete button in Reports module (#152)
  3.  Captcha feature is disabled for internal automation testing only (#151)
  4.  Addition of dEq in the Reports module (#131)
  5.  Code changes to support internal automation testing without Captcha login (#158)
  6.  Addition of release note in website and PKMP application (#159)
  7.  Addition of DF and SF in BE ratio analysis (#154)

Bug Fixes:

  1.  Fixed the issue with column-wise filters not working everywhere (#133)
  2.  Icon for Dissolution UI fixed (#132)
  3.  Superposition all graphs issue fixed (#150)
  4.  DF & SF download issues fixed in Firefox (#65)
  5.  Made the Download feature of Differential module consistent with other modules.(#156)
  6.  Fixed the issue with the download functionality of Dose proportionality and removed default dose selection checkbox (#155)

Modules Impacted

  1.  Login module
  2.  NCA-PK
  3.  CA-PK
  4.  PD
  5.  Dissolution
  6.  IVIVC
  7.  Simulation
  8.  Differential Equation (dEq)
  9.  Validation
  10.  Profile

New Features/ Enhancements:

  1.  Login Captcha: Captcha is required while Login to induce one more level of Security
  2.  IP Validation enhancements: To restrict an user with expired license
  3.  Security Policies - Update password, Reset password, Encryption (AES 256-bit)
  4.  dEq download module enhancements: Analysis results and graphs are downloaded in one report file
  5.  Toxicokinetics- clearence (Cl) and volume distribution (Vd) enhancements in Analysis and Report: Normalized values of Cl and Vd have been calculated and displayed in UI and Reports

Bug Fixes:

  1.  CA-PK predicted table repeating issue
  2.  Dissolution global decimal number setting issue
  3.  Dissolution analysis result download issue
  4.  NCA-PK issues (downloaded analysis result files were blank, changing one column was affecting other columns, repeating table, display issue in point selection page and All Subjects page)
  5.  Decimal and significant figures issues (all modules)